Friday, September 5, 2008


There are many Mintys but this one in this pose is my favourite. The clothes were taken from the 1st Xmas Minty and given to this one from the butterfly wear series. She is IMO one of the nicest Minty out there next to the one that came out in the special release for the World's Biggest Tea Party Live Show.

In stories and cartoons, Minty always plays the comic relief. Sometimes she is funny, but sometimes, she tries too hard. lol It is well known that she likes SOCKS, which was how the term "rock socks" came from. Indeed, Minty rocks socks like no one's business.

Although Minty is not on my top 10 favourites list, it did sadden me a bit that she didn't make it to the Core 7 during the selection round. If Hasbro didn't sell her with an ugly 3D symbol the last time, she would have probably sold much better. I blame Hasbro for everything because who else can I blame? They make all the horrible decisions that make collectors scream in pain! Little girls probably scream in pain too at what is happening now, but they're easier to manipulate, so maybe it's time to set them up against the pony makers. Collectors need to coalesce into an opposing force that helps to maintain a balance in the pony line before Hasbro goes overboard and kills My Little Pony altogether. They seem to know what they are doing with all the market research and stuff, but they seem not to know exactly what they are doing at the same time. It's like they're drowned in what they are doing due to overexposure from pony radiation. Things tend to go off-tangent a bit...and sometimes, A LOT.

The Core 7 may be doing well, but my Minty isn't very happy that she's been dropped out of the Re-release Pageant. "Not cool", she says, "ain't no rock when you lose your socks."
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