This post marks the start of my blabbering blackboard ... ... sorry... ... I mean "blog" ( don't get frightened away - COME BACK!). I never bothered myself to write one, but I've fallen bad on lazy times, and never have the patience to maintain any of my websites for more than a year and let them slip into oblivion even before my hosting account expires. I guess the more prudent option is to get a free blog and throw all my lunatic ranting and mad raving up here. It's free and blogs hosted by big companies normally hold onto everything for forever. This is great as I intend to use this mainly as my My Little Pony archive, with the occasional sidetrack and sometimes my ...what's that called in a resume???.....ah right, a portfolio. I can never understand the need for one, since most people normally slap one together the night before, and if the boss likes you enough, he/she hires you anyway.
After uploading several pictures, I've still decided to pick Sweetpop as the "starter" pony for my blog. There is something about her that always reminds me of my childhood, and although it sounds like poor justification, it always makes me feel good. It is odd since she was never the best looking pony, but was cherished like gold anyway. I think she is really special, especially the part where she comes with four legs, two eyes, a mane and a tail. It makes her really pony-like!